The scapegoating of the unvaccinated
Public health messaging and policy have become incoherent, immoral, and utterly absurd.
The hateful and divisive words spoken in this clip by Joe Biden about the “unvaccinated” are untrue for the following reasons.
Millions of people have already had covid, have natural immunity and do not require a vaccine. They do not fit into either of the contrived categories of vaccinated or unvaccinated. Millions more who are non-elderly and without underlying disease have an incredibly small risk from covid and it is perfectly reasonable for them to not take a vaccine. Young boys may be more at risk of myocarditis from the vaccine than they are of being hospitalized with covid.
It’s well known at this point that the covid vaccines do not stop the spread of the virus. Rochelle Walensky, head of the CDC, explains this clearly in the following clip. Every person on earth could be vaccinated and the virus would still be spreading and people would still be having breakthrough infections, exactly like now. A fully vaccinated person can infect another fully vaccinated person, just the same as they can be infected by an unvaccinated person.
This Johns Hopkins page shows average hospital ICU capacity state by state as well as for the country as a whole throughout the pandemic. Contrary to the picture that the mass media have painted, the overwhelming majority of areas for the overwhelming majority of the pandemic have not been at or over their ICU capacity.
Back at the beginning of the pandemic, more than $660 million dollars was spent setting up massive field hospitals all over the US and almost all of them went unused.
During the 2017 flu season, patients were being treated in tents because some hospitals were full.
It is absolutely normal for ICUs to run at 80%+ capacity, especially during flu seasons, and to even become occasionally overrun.
ICUs have been challenged by covid more than previous flu seasons and have had difficulty with capacity in a few certain areas for certain limited lengths of time, that much is true. But the mass media have sensationalized and exaggerated it beyond reality while censoring dissenting voices of reason. As a result, Americans have come to be wildly misinformed. From this Gallup poll that ran in the New York Times, people greatly overestimate the danger of covid to young people, and many believe that the average person has a 50% chance or higher of being hospitalized when catching covid despite the correct answer being 1%-5%. People who are this drastically misinformed do not make rational decisions or support rational policies.
You have to read far down into many news articles to find truth, but it’s often there - as quoted from halfway down this NPR article from September 5th: “As was the case earlier in the pandemic, it's trained health care workers — not ventilators or physical space — that are the key limited resource. In fact, many hospitals have even fewer nurses, respiratory therapists and doctors now than they had on staff during last winter's surge.”
All that ever had to be done to handle this pandemic was to protect those who are vulnerable, as described in the Great Barrington Declaration, and to support hospitals and healthcare workers with whatever they need. If capacity is a problem, expand capacity. If there are too few nurses, hire more. We could have more than tripled the pay of every single nurse in the country, hired and trained thousands more, and added more capacity to every ICU for a fraction of the five trillion dollars spent locking the country down, destroying small businesses, and making billionaires richer; lockdown policies that are highly debated as to whether or not they even had any positive effect, but certainly had a lot of negative unintended consequences.
Historically, in times of mania and totalitarianism, the masses, often led by immoral dishonest leaders, unjustly blame their suffering on a minority of people as a scapegoat. Politicians, pharmaceutical corporations, and public health officials want us to irrationally hate millions of people simply for opting out of taking unnecessary coerced pharmaceutical products that were rushed to full approval, that still have unfinished phase 3 clinical trials within which the placebo control group was unblinded, and that therefore have many unknowns - many of which are described directly in the Pfizer FDA package insert. Some of the unknowns in the FDA data directly contradict CDC recommendations. Our own health agencies are not even in agreement with one another. Public health officials are treating absence of evidence as evidence of absence. This is not science. These vaccines have not yet been proven to be safe, and the way that they have been forced and bribed upon society violates the basic fundamental ethical principles of the Nuremberg code and the right to informed consent.
It is of course nothing but perfectly reasonable to refuse pharmaceutical products that are not in your interest to take. Politicians try to mandate vaccination on the grounds of not allowing the spread of the virus, while simultaneously telling us that the vaccines do not stop the spread of the virus. They try to mandate vaccination on the grounds of keeping ICUs from overfilling, despite the fact that for the vast majority of the pandemic ICUs have not been filled to capacity or overfilled, and despite the fact that potential capacity problems have rational smart peaceful solutions. Healthcare workers are already in short supply yet they fire thousands of them on the grounds of being unvaccinated, despite the fact that many of them already have natural immunity. They speak about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, despite having no long term scientific data to prove safety and efficacy. They talk endlessly about pharmaceutical products while ignoring the simple bedrock science of how to be healthy and reduce hospitalizations through diet, exercise, healthy weight, quitting smoking, reducing stress, good sleep, and vitamin D. Public health messaging and policy have become incoherent, immoral, and utterly absurd.